Friday, July 2, 2010

A Magical Story

One day a girl named Ashley who was ten years old was going out for dinner with her family. She wanted to edit her story that she was going to publish but she was tired. She needed help, but no one offered. She sat down with her story on the table while the waiter served her parents water and her brother a glass of lemonade. Her brother, Zach, was not drinking correctly. Her dad said,"Zach, use your manners!" As he reached over he knocked down his glass and spilled the water all over Ashley's paper. "Oh-no! Dad! Why did you do that! Ugh! It will never dry!" she cried. Tears rolled down her face. "It will dry! Stop crying,"their mom said. Ashley put the paper on the shelf. Suddenly, a bright light flashed over all of the papers. They ate there and when they were done with their food, she picked up her papers that were now dry. "Yes! It's dry!"she said excitedly. But the papers looked different. There were no more mistakes in her story anymore. The bright light had edited her story. "My paper is done! Tomerrow we will go publish it!"said Ashley.

"Okay,"said her dad. They drove off into the night to go home.

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