Once there was a boy named Tyler who was 7 years old. "GO JAWS!! GO JAWS!!!" everyone cheered. Tyler's mom was recording his soccer match. I have to make my team win today. I just have to!! Tyler thought running in front of the goal as goalie. The loud screech of the whistle blew and the match started. The Lions started off. The ball came flying toward him in the air. Tyler just stared at the ball as it smacked him in the face and rolled into the goal. Tyler's mom and coach came running toward him as The Lions high-fived, clapped, and laughed. His team members gasped and shouted insults at him. There was a big bruise on Tyler's cheek. Tyler went back home. It was night. Tyler pulled his dad to his room. "Come on dad! Read me a story!" Tyler said.
"Wait honey!"his dad replied as he kept talking to his mom. Tyler ran to his room and propped himself onto his bed. "I wish I could use a remote and go to the parts of my life that I wanted to go to,"Tyler said as sparkles fell over him,"What on Earth! A shooting star!" Out of no where a remote appeared in front of him. "Cool!"Tyler said pressing 16. Suddenly wind whipped passed his face. He was in a silver car. Palm trees surrounded him as he drove al0ng the road. "This thing works by age!"Tyler said excitedly. Tyler pushed down 7 and was once again sitting in his room. "Oh, there you are!"Tyler's dad said sitting down next to him.
"Here I am!"Tyler said smiling.